Saying goodbye to narcissistic love; Why am I so attracted to you?

In order to understand why narcissists & highly sensitive beings are continuously drawn toward narcissists & vice versa – you must understand & establish their core wound.

Which often, is the very same wound.

A narcissist is likely to construct a false reality in which they are the centre of the universe because inside, they believe that they are actually viewed as an insignificant participant of the universe — through LEARNED childhood programming.

Just like empaths, they too are primarily concerned w/ self image.
A narcissists reality is a pseudo reality, therefore, it can not be accurately deciphered who they are, or what they feel, because they themselves are conflicted about their true sense of self.. The core of a narcissist, is a petulant child.

Petulant children rarely ever grow into functional adults, without dragging with them a sense of entitlement, and refusal to be dependent upon themselves for gratification.

There will come a time in your life where you just stop making excuses for people.

You may have lived a life of stifling your intuition, second guessing yourself, & telling yourself that you did not really feel what you felt, for the sake of not rocking the boat, or not being an outcast… But one day? You will respect yourself more. You will respect yourself enough. 

You will say no.

You will begin to remove people from Your life, regardless of how much you feel for them, regardless of the position that they have held in your life.

You will stop trying to mould people to be a certain way.. Because your idealism will not be replaced, but will be enhanced, balanced even, by your acceptance – that everything has a time & place. And if something does not match your internalised perceptions & ideal vibrations, it is because you, or it are co-existing, in the wrong time, & the wrong place..
And you must correct these inaccuracies, for they plague your world, & your perception of yourself. – Cindy Anneh-bu, the lover & the lovee.. No more.

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To find out how to sever the push pull Dynamic between yourself & narcissists in your own life, click the link below as of now & join us on this healing journey ~

What is #empathology: A community building course that allows you into the inner psyche of the empath – a highly intuitive, sensitive & perceptive being & their internal//external relationship w/ dysfunctional personality traits & life style choices…

Coping mechanisms often manifest as toxic behaviours, as their highly sensitive energetic template is rarely nourished, or accommodated by the harsher energies of an ever growing apathetic society. 

There are many variables that also make the psychology of an empath so complex. Usual traumatic, or negatively memorable life experiences, exposure to a world that appears alien to them, & a difficulty expressing their intense inner worlds.

#empathology brings to you an information PACKED syllabus – taking you through childhood, to adulthood shapings.
To not miss out on this once in a life time study..: click this link now…

Twin Flames *DAILY* Reading 22-25th February – Embracing changing tides!

Twin Flames *DAILY* Reading 22-25th February – Embracing changing tides!Main theme//Unified energy – The guardian angel of maturity, Masculine – 8 of cups, The energy the masculine projects to the feminine – Page of cups, Feminine The lovers, The energy the feminine projects to the masculine – Wheel of fortune.


 Angel function – To guide our emotional growth.

Gifts for Earth – It can help you to understand your growth process towards maturity; allow yourself to do the things in life you have always desired; cope with the responsibilities of adulthood. 

The angel helps us mature into wise beings capable of handling responsibilities and making fruitful choices to enhance our joy and well-being. It shows us how to age with grace. It carries the Lantern of wisdom, and a trumpet, symbolising an appreciation of music, one of the great beauties of life. 

The angel of maturity takes us on a journey through intense self exploration. Both twins are coming into a very profound journey of understanding who they truly are, and who they have been.

The energy of Pisces plucks out many childhood fears, and phobias associated with change, feelings of deserving, and ideas about our capabilities, or rather in-capabilities.

It is no longer permissible to play small, because playing small is not in alignment with the expansive nature of our souls, or our minds at this time.. Recent awakenings, and triggers have been scheduled us to go even deeper within, and to release and relinquish even more blockages.

Aren’t you glad now that your twin returned to you? Even if briefly.. Even if they soon showed you that they were STILL not ready for union, although so close – as it allowed you to see ways that you also still needed to work on yourself..

Emotional maturity comes knocking when we can no longer carry on being activated by our childhood wounding, and living from a space that does not grant us much, if any justice..
Your heart wants one thing, but the limitations of your mind do not allow you to reach for this something. Well, this is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Baby boy syndrome, or Princess pan syndrome is pulled into question as both twins realise how they have been selling themselves short. It could be time to make big changes in order to make their dreams and desires a reality. It could be time to take the leap of faith, moving on from repetitive cycles, moving into higher states of awareness, and acting upon that which we have always dreamt, but never dared.. 
The 8 of cups is all about the masculine going on his own journey to locate the treasures of what he wants..He may be sensing finally that something is missing in his life. Mundane day to day pleasures do not really fit the excitement that his soul rumbles for..This is the journey of the hero – who seeks to find his saving grace.. To save himself, and to save something else. Maybe he is coming into the knowledge that his destiny is greater.. Although he does not necessarily know what his calling may be, he realises that he has one. Maturity calls for him to make a conscious decision about where it is that he wants to be, and to stick to it.. Past fears about commitment are waning, as he realises that to be responsible, means to commit to something. 

The lovers card on the feminine side also sees her pondering past relationship cycles. She is coming to a big close in her life where she is realising something that has been a major block in her life for a long time, particularly in regards to love, and past lovers.. These realisations may come quick, and fast, years of misunderstanding, and confusion being cleared up to her in almost seconds, without her conscious effort.. This is the energy of Pisces, enhanced intuition, clarity, and validated knowing. 
She could be looking within and realising why so many of her past relationships did not work.. Maybe unconsciously, she never truly wanted them to, because she was not ready to take the responsibility of what it meant to be in a relationship, and placed her burdens, her sense of worth, or importance in the hands of others..

The wheel of fortune shows the feminine calling time on everything. It is time for them both to enter into this state of awareness, and she takes the position of the angel of fate.. She projects to the masculine a mirror of himself, and an opportunity for change, and for growth, as he witnesses that she strives ultimately for self improvement, and awareness, inspiring, and triggering him to do the same..

The page of cups is the masculine projecting day dreams, and visions to the feminine.. She has been on his mind lately, and she is feeling this through emotional resonance.. He could be communicating from a purer place in his heart, more open, and more honest, and asking her to break down her walls and do the same..

In this state of emotional purity and child-like innocence, the feminine can also see into her own subconscious mind.. When she taps into the energy of the masculine she may be able to feel that he is fighting with himself, although his love for her is pure – causing her to wonder what possible blockages she too may have in regards to the nature of being accepting, and communicating.

Major lessons are gathered at this time that cause them to re-visit their childhood patterns, behaviours, and learned beliefs..

This is SUCH a powerful time of growth, and I could not be more proud of both…

Blessed be, my sacred beings ~

This weeks twin flame weekly reading ‘3rd party situation comes to a head, Karmic decisions, and the destiny that you create’, goes into great depth about these emotional, spiritual, and mental changes that are currently taking place.. The understanding of childhood influences in twin flame pairings is broken down, and explained vividly. You do not want to miss this weeks POWERFUL reading, as it clears up many blockages on a subconscious, and unconscious level.. This is the most powerful reading I have done for twin flames to date!

Do not miss out on your opportunity to salvage romantic balance & blessings in your life.With over 5000 words 😲 of in depth information, you’ll quickly learn what this path entails.. You may claim your purchase now 👈🏾 The usual way.. Through PayPal: emailing the sum of £3.33 to & than sending me a confirmation email with the email that you would like to receive the reading at! & the reading shall be sent automatically to you – upon completion.

If you have not done so already, please make sure to check out our Facebook page – 

General Weekly Reading – 20th-26th February (NEW MOON* In Pisces) – Emotive waters ~ 

Main Theme – Knight of cups, Surrounding cards – 5 of pentacles, 3 of swords, 6 of cups, 7 of cups.

Numerological break down calculation – 2oth – Ultimate balance, (enhanced by the presence of the 0), duality, (accepting the good with the bad), finding harmony within two opposites, equality, masculine, and feminine merging, shadow integration, love, togetherness – 26th – (2+6) = 8 – Karma, breaking karmic chains/binds, doing things differently, witnessing a never ending cycle, the infinity symbol, the twin flame dance, prosperity, wisdom gained, Higher consciousness. (2/6 – Balance and harmony within the family, healing family issues, and finding peace in romantic situations).

The thick, yet fluid energy of the Pisces moon sees us gifted with extra sensory perception & intuitive vision. This sign, associated with the inner child takes us back to our primal wounds, & asks us to remove the blockages on our path to love.

The playful inner child who thrives on love & allows themselves to feel is revisited with the knight of cups, along with themes of emotional vulnerability, & past sincere memories. Something is allowing us to remember a simpler time, a more beautiful time, & we may find ourselves feeling particularly creative, & fluid. Ideas appear to rush to us when we are in this state, because we are judgemental of nothing, and do not feel the need to immediately question what comes up for us.

The knight of cups could be a visit from the past. Is there an individual with whom you have unfinished karma? You may find yourselves this week coming a cross a memory of them, or finding yourself in communion with them. At this blessed time of sacred baptism, those who shaped vital parts of your journey may return for redemption.

The 6 of cups could speak of union, or reunion, & an offer may be presented to you about rekindling a past romance. The past has been on your mind heavily lately, perhaps nostalgia, perhaps trying to make sense of the steps that got you here. 

If you have been the one on this Persons mind,then they are filled with fond memories of you, and you, with them.

It could be time to allow bygones to be bygones – recognising the importance of forgiveness & not building upunnecessary  blockages. Vengeance is a fool’s game. It is the hour to free yourself of past grievances, allowing your heart to let others in again.

A sincere invite to participate in love once more may be granted, & this is because many have been doing the work to understand themselves, or have experienced dark nights of the soul that have brought them to their knees. Encouraging them to be raw, open, & honest, in a way that empowers, not disempowers them.

Inauthenticity has no home when we get this in touch with ourselves, & the 3 of swords may signify leaving the terrible pains of the past behind, so that we no longer have to hide behind a false image. The 6 of cups is the purest version of yourself, before the shadow self & scarcity consciousness was built.

The 7 of cups may speak of a choice needing to be made. Some of us will be involved with making the decision to walk away from, or walk into a third party situation. My twin flame weekly reading, ‘ ‘ goes more into detail about this. *see bottom*

Heightened intuition at this time could mean that you feel this person coming strongly before their arrival, or you feel another thinking intensely of your memory. You could be receiving the news//confirmation that you have been waiting for. Finding the truth about a situation that sets you free, & changes your perception on things.

You may meet an individual who asks you to drop all pretences through their very nature of being soft, humbled, & gentle.  Understanding why past trials in life occurred is the key to walking away from the depravity in the 5 of pentacles. It is our perception of challenges that leave us feeling left out in the cold, or neglected. Re-connecting with God means understanding that the divine never neglected you. But each step brought you right here. Now. Where you are most receptive to change. 

The 7 of cups can dream up big ambitions & idealistic visions. Pisces are known to be the dreamers. Allow your mind to escape itself & envision all that you can be. 

So many opportunities open themselves to you when you begin to believe in yourself again, & become inspired by your very existence. 

The 3 of swords can see you contemplating leaving behind a situation or a life that no longer serves you – in order to move confidently in the direction of what you truly desire. Maybe you are moving on from control//attachment issues, & you find yourself questioning addictions in the form of co-dependent relationships.

You could be leaving a loveless, yet convenient relationship in order to be with your true love, or contemplating doing so. A tough decision could exist for many this week, & will test how much we have grown..

The 7 of cups could be feeling spoilt for choice in love. When you open yourself up to see how much abundance there is in your life, you seem to experience even more blessings through gratitude.

A messenger of redemption could arrive to make things ‘right’ this week, igniting a change in luck.

What a beautiful time to tap into, & remember the truest version of you! Channel, write, create, & allow ideas from your subconscious to flow through…

I would like to share with you all the card that was picked in my twin flame weekly reading this week, from the beautiful new Angel deck that I am now working with!

This week’s twin flame weekly is officially complete 🙌🏽🙏🏽 There are so many different messages coming through, & so many multiple pathways guys, this is a BIG one!! 😩 You may claim your purchase now 👈🏾 The usual way.. Through PayPal: emailing the sum of $3.33 to & than sending me a confirmation email with the email that you would like to receive the reading at! & the reading shall be sent automatically to you – upon completion.

I pulled an extra card on each side for the masculine, and the feminine, and also a clarifying card, and an outcome card, because I could just feel the intensity of the energies behind this weeks read!

Twin Flame Weekly Reading – 20th-26th February 2017 – 3rd party situation comes to a head, Karmic decisions, and the destiny that you create. 

General Weekly Reading ~ Valentines special – 13th-19th February 2017; The expression of the self, What do we want in love?

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Main theme – King of pentacles, Surrounding cards – The world, The hanged man, Page of swords, Knight of wands, Clarifying card – the lovers.

Numerological break down calculation – 13 – Karmic debt, Paying off debts, Resurrection, (1+3) = 4 – Order, structure, stability, Foundations, 19th – (1+9) = 10 – Beginnings, and endings, ultimate balance, creation, and destruction, the all that is. 1 – New beginnings, inspiration, 9 – Conclusion, resolution, healing, completion. 

The king of pentacles talks about the energy of the boss – and leveling up. This week may highlight to us a lot of the areas where we are still struggling to find balance. This is a very karmic week, so we may find ourselves pondering, and remembering specific important, or pivotal moments in our lives that shaped us in some way or another.. The king of pentacles may ask that we accept these memories for what they are, no matter how painful, instead of turning to worldly, or material matters in order to quell, or deny what we are experiencing.

This is a week of paying back karmic debt, and 13 is a very karmic number that talks of needing to deal with, and lay to rest issues of the past that have been unresolved. Therefore, the king of pentacles can also relate to getting your just desserts. If you have been putting in the work, and building this foundation, then you will reap the fruits of your reward.

The king of pentacles, can sometimes be ‘too grounded’. This can be an individual who is often cut off from their emotions, from their intuition, or from others, because they have this sole desire to acquire finances, and a certain of luxury. Of-course this week speaks of hard work, and building a steady foundation, but it also asks us what we are planning to do once this foundation has been built? Valentines day definitely creates an imprint on our energies this week. We could be thinking long term now, many of us who were just consumed with financial status, may be finding that it is unfulfilling, and it is truly a love of the soul, or the heart that grants somebody true wealth..

A lot of us will be pondering what truly makes us happy this week.. The knight of wands is a message of authentic happiness coming through. Something may remind us of the feeling of feeling alive.. It could be viewing lovers on valentines day doting on each other, that reminds you that there is so much more to life than just monetary gain.. See the figure in the card the king of pentacles, even though he appears to have all that he desires, there seems to be nobody around to share it with. Perhaps his ego has got the better of him, and he has spent too much time focused on accumulating, and has forgotten about those around him..

For those of us who are single, we could be wondering what we are finally going to do once we achieve our dreams, who we are going to share it with, or even contemplating how our current partner fits into the mold of who we are becoming. The page of swords could see us communicating thoughts that we have held onto for a long time. At this risk of being alone, you need to communicate these things, to clear your own mind, and your own conscience. The knight of wands can sometimes be a rude awakening, this could be a message that re-ignites your soul, especially if you have been asleep for along time. Remember what love is supposed to feel like? Or, have you been so shut off from it for so long that you have settled with the bare minimum? A lot of people need to open themselves up, in order to be raw, which may feel like an open wound being pressed. But this is alot about our blockages, and wounds in relation to love. We have a lot of walls built up when we have been hurt, or when we have had unhealthy displays of love shown to us,  but this is no excuse to live a mediocre, or a deprived life, especially when love is the inspiration for all of our art. 

The world card, is death, and rebirth. We are floating in a very special space right now. We have a very profound, and vivid knowledge of the past, and all that occurred, yet we can also see into the future, and all that can be promised to us. We are making connections about where we are at this point, and where we have been based on our new access to this higher consciousness that we are obtaining. This is knowledge of past actions, and behaviours, and times where we have acted out of ego.. Yes, ego seeks to come through right now for those of us who have always given away too much of ourselves, however, for those of us who have lived excessively in ego, the world card seeks to call an ending to that.

The King of pentacles can talk of a long, cold, and hard winter, where we have to pool our resources, and gather all of our energetic value, because we never know when the drought is going to end, or begin. This can be taken in terms of energetic currency.. It is so important for you to be self sufficient in the sense that you have your own worth, and value, so that you do not need to rely too much on that of others, blurring the lines between yourself, and them. Maturity in love is gained when we gain a stronger perspective, and understanding of ourselves. We come to know our worth, and our place in the world. 

This could be the week that you find your soul mate, because of all of the work that you have done to clear {understand} yourself, or, this could be the week you come to profound realisations about your love life. The page of swords, and the knight of wands talk of the desire to deliver a message, although one may not fully know how to deliver this message, or how this message will be received.. A lot is changing for us in terms of our thoughts, and perceptions in love, and the world card could mean that a lot of us are outgrowing old love stories, or even old lovers, and the page of swords may be our need to communicate that to them, so that we can focus on ourselves, and our own growth.Maybe we have been too reliant, or too focused on this individual, and time away, or apart from them could be just what we require to rediscover ourselves.

For others, the knight of wands could represent the courage to articulate to somebody how we feel. A more artistic side of ourselves may be gifting us with the gift of expression that we previously did not have. The hanged man is an entirely new perspective that gifts us with what we need to do. The old way has not, or was not working, so now, it is time to adopt a new method, even though that may make us feel somewhat uncomfortable. We cannot cling to the past for too long, especially as the world card has given us unlimited perception, and new consciousness. If we even try to fit into the old world, or old ways, we will feel like frauds this week, who are lying to ourselves, and lying to the cosmic plan.

For the twin flame focused weekly reading? 

The twin flame weekly readings are now offered as apart of a special package, with even more love, more depth, and more grace being added to them, they are now being offered at the very affordable price of $3.33 – the number of manifestation! Do not miss yours from week to week.. As they go into very detailed lengths about how the energies of the week are specifically effecting you based on your energetic resonance. You may pay for 2 weeks, a month, or even more in advance to experience ease with your subscription expectancy..

It is not too late to purchase the weekly twin flame reading for the 13th-19th!
It is officially our second week of distribution in this way & by next week I will have conjured a more efficient payment plan for both my enchiladas & myself..
I must say this week’s reading is very powerful once again & as the weeks press on we just seem to go deeper into our journey of self discovery & soulful understanding..
Monumental transitions exist currently for the masculine, & it is the feminine who continues to rise to the endless challenges presented…

I would once again like to mention how often tough a time it has been for us all, especially in regards to spiritual maturity, and emotional, and mental growth. This week highlights a lot of these issues, and I would also like to highlight that, just because we experience so many dark nights of the souls so frequently apart, does not mean that we are in some way regressing, or that we are not still on this healing journey. The beginning of this 10 year, (creation, and destruction) has been ripe with surprises, epiphanies, and the uprooting of many major, and deeply embedded traumas, and psychological difficulties. Should we take heed to the messages that present themselves, we should now find ourselves moving towards a more calm equilibrium, especially as we draw closer to March, the 3 month that seeds us balance, and integrate many of our shadow aspects, and our learned high modules of thinking.

Simply send the sum of $3.33 to my PayPal email – {using PayPal} & send me a confirmation email immediately after to the same email. You should relieve this week’s lengthy email within your mail box in no more than an hour!
Join us all to check in with this week’s fumbles, falls & rises…
& stay in tune with spirits hum..

© Cindy Anneh-bu 2017.

And do follow our facebook page for daily twin flame updates, information,  and insights! Facebook –

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Twin Flame *DAILY* Reading – 17th-18th February 2017 – Breaking chains.

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Twin Flame *DAILY* Reading – 17th-18th February 2017 – Breaking chains.
Main theme – The high priestess, Masculine – 6 of cups, The energy the masculine projects to the feminine – Ace of cups, Feminine – 2 of cups, The energy the feminine projects to the masculine – The devil.
I know a lot of us have been feeling really crazy with this union lately.. It’s been such a crazy time, and we have all been acting out SO much! But it’s okay.. We are getting there, I promise, and you are all gaining SO much out of being literally plummeted into your own versions of self discovery..However it unfolds, and manifests. There is so much beauty in these situations, they just want for you to dig even deeper..
The high priestess takes us into the realm of intuition, spiritual revelation, and epiphanies, however, this could also be the realm of illusion, as the information that we receive is not tangible, and we have no way of proving it.. There may be many signs, and symbols at this time abundant that remind you of your twin, or appear as if somebody else is speaking to you through channeling words that your twin themselves cannot say.. Perhaps you see their name, or hear it multiple times, or somebody opens up to you, and expresses their emotions, and you can feel intuitively as if what they are saying, is also true for your twin..
The high priestess asks us to use discernment. What is real, and what is not? It is time to trust yourself.. You cannot seek outside of yourself for validation, specifically for something so sacred to you as the twin flame union.
Divine principle is unfolded to you at this time.. The high priestess holds in her hands the secret to life, at this time, you are learning so many shamanic lessons, and vital lessons about life that can appear as cheat codes. You can choose to keep this information to yourself, but it is much more potent if you share it with others, and also help them to navigate this earthly realm, as you swim inbetween both spaces. This is what the two pillars of black, and white represent – yin, and yang.
This is a strange time, it could feel as if your intuition is getting stronger, but at the same time, that makes your logical mind wish to work harder, and make greater sense of things.. So you may feel caught in between what is real, and what is false right now.. This is okay. As I mentioned, discernment is key. Listen to what your insides tell you feels right, and does not feel right.
This is a very Mary the mother of Jesus energy, & I feel that this is a heightened time for rebirth, birth, baptism, and purity. We could be being reborn a more balanced, and integrated version of ourselves.
The 6 of cups represents the masculine visiting the past.. He could be getting very in touch with his inner child at this time, in a way that in some ways could be uncomfortable. His heart is truly expanding, and opening up, especially with the presence of the ace of cups. This is a blessing. A new emotional opening, he may find himself crying today, and physically cleansing himself, and his eyes through his tears A lot of blockages need to be released, and spirit is really helping him, and aiding him to do so.. He is sending messages to the feminine, intuitively, and emotionally, that he still loves her.. That he always will. This could be through songs or dreams, or memories that he projects to her. They are very much mentally connected today, because they are so caught in this ethereal realm where messages travel effortlessly.. He could be remembering back to a time when he looked into her eyes, and felt more special than ever. The 6 of cups is him truly looking into the past, and what happened, and experiencing this inner joy, and innocent love, but with the 2 of cups, the feminine is really focused on the now, and the future, and is not so concerned with the past. She has spent so much time thinking about her past with the masculine.
It is wonderful that he is doing his inner child healing, and shadow work, but she is ready for him to be ready, and present now, not then. She has really stepped into this place where she feels that she is ready, and she may be growing impatient with the whole process.. What is the truth here? What is real she asks? How could it be that she imagines all of these things? Yet feels them so deeply.. She could feel as if the masculine wants this love, but simultaneously as if he is hesitant to take it.. Even more reason why now is a great time to focus that love back into herself. Healing and balance needs to be found. And this focus cannot be on the other person, especially whilst he’s doing work that she has done years ago. In terms of timelines, he is a little further behind, but that’s okay, because there has been times where the feminine has been behind, so she needs to be a bit more compassionate with this.. Perhaps in the past, it was the masculine who offered his love to her, and she was not so ready to take it.. And now, there is a chance to see, how he may have felt. Take a walk in each others shoes.. His inner child is a little bruised.
The devil card holds several interpretations for us today.. For some, this is the negative thoughts, and doubts that creep in when we are not certain about ourselves, or a situation. Our natural defense mechanism may be negative thinking, because this is an automatic programming for us.. We could find ourselves wondering in these next few days, ‘Was this just a karmic attachment?’ ‘Is this union healthy?’ The divine feminine may be growing fearful, because of how fearful her masculine has been. . Fear tends to spread, and can be quite powerful, especially as they are both vulnerable to both the dark, and the light, as the high priestess shows..
The feminine could also be holding up a mirror for him to see his own shadow self, and witness his negative attachments. She is very aware at this time, and in touch, so in exploring herself, she also makes things known to him that he would previously not have had access to knowing. He’s looking at this past, the good, and the bad.. He may have found out that the feminine is involved in a karmic relationship, and wonders how she could possibly belong to him if this is the case.. She could be showing him that his karmic relationship is low vibrational in nature, or perhaps he is beginning to feel a little frightened with the frequency of spiritual messages, symbolism, dreams, intuitive feelings, and confusion in his life.. Especially if he is traditionally religious, he could wonder what is happening to him…
If it is the darkness that attempts to keep both twins in low vibrations, then the feminine is ready to break free, and she asks the masculine.. ‘Won’t you come with me?’ What is all of this esoteric, and intense thought forms, and dreams, and meditations that are coming to him. He could even feel as if he is so attached to this powerful, and spiritual woman that it cannot possibly be healthy. Maybe he has tried to shake her, but at every turn, she is still, right there..
Happy healing, my sacred beings ~
My twin flame weekly reading is now OUT and available for purchase through paypal. Just follow the steps of sending payment through email ( $3.33, and a confirmation email stating which email you would like the reading to be sent to. This weeks reading is quite powerful, and focuses on the branches that spirit offers us to either sink, or swim in life, and love..
‘Twin Flame Weekly Reading – 13th-19th February 2017; Karmic returns, Flowering gifts of the divine, de-programming, and feminine liberation’ takes us on a journey through the masculine maturing, and the feminine flowering..

win Flame *DAILY* Reading – valentines day special 14th-15th February 2017; The perpetual ending.

Twin Flame *DAILY* Reading – valentines day special 14th-15th February 2017;


Main theme – 7 of cups, Masculine – 5 of cups, The energy the masculine projects to the feminine – Death, Feminine – 2 of pentacles, The energy the feminine projects to the masculine – The world.
Clarifying card – The world (again)
On this commercialized lovers holiday, it appears that twin flames are a little less concerned with the dramatic displays of annual scheduled love, and affection, and are more consumed with the intense life changes, and transitions that are occurring for them.. This is actually fantastic, because just a few years ago, both twins, especially the feminine were likely still caught in egotistical displays, and may have actually got pulled into the dynamics of this faux lovers holiday..

Do not get me wrong – any holiday that dedicates itself to the celebration, and expression of love is one you can count me in, but those of us who have dedicated, and practically sacrificed ourselves to the path of divine love know that it is far more complicated than roses, tasty chocolate, and carefully crafted words in a hallmark card… True love is heart shattering, soul awakening, and divinely orchestrated, and this year, none of the twins are getting too caught up in the theatrics of everything..

For the sake of my twins who may not be in contact with their lovers today, or who may be going through many more dark night of the soul-esque super challenging separation periods, I hope that you are not triggered by this holiday.. Love is something that is expressed daily. Love is something that we are, and not something that we can attain, and not something that can be taken away from us. Love – just is. Love, is the divine.. And love is more than abundant today.. Should you open your eyes to the prize that God is delivering..

The 7 of cups is God, and the universe opening up multiple pathways for both twins on this day. This is the true gift. Manifestation is ripe right now, as spirit presents us with the multiple pathways, and opportunities that are available to us. It is very possible at this time to experience some of your wildest dreams, and imaginations. What was your childhood hope? What did you dream about incessantly? Was it being a writer? An artist? Or a painter? Spirit alerts your attention to the fact that you can be anyone of these things, it is just as simple as choosing a route, and breaking free of your moldings, and your barriers in order to grab a hold of one of these destinies. Time for change has NEVER been so abundant..

Look to your right – There is an offer there. Look to your left – There is another.. Which will you choose? Won’t you choose? Now that you can see that destiny is less about what is handed to you without choice, and more of what you CHOOSE to do once you have become aware of your karma, and patterns. You can choose an old path, or you can choose a new path, and spirit is entirely impartial in this game. Of-course God, and the universe probably have a preferable avenue for you to follow, the one that leads you more closely to your destiny, but free will, is a very REAL thing..

At this time, you are channeling even more information from the universe, receiving confirmation, news, and new found understanding. Especially the masculine, who is now being challenged to view life from an entirely different perspective. For him, the 7 of cups is the crust of the world opening up, and showing him a larger, wider view.. This view may shock him. The fact that there is SO much more out there, and available than he once thought.. The world is magic, and so is he..
The world is very much in both twins palms right now – decisions, crossroads, and possibilities.

The 5 of cups represents the masculine experiencing somewhat of a mourning period. The change that is arriving for him is pretty swift, and he may have a sense that it is premature, perhaps he was not ready for a change of this magnitude, and a part of him still wished to cling onto his boyish charm, innocence, and youthful persona. The 5 of cups is a wake up call – to wake up. To see that the previous way he was living, was not for him, and this may be a little difficult for him to digest, because he thought he had just a little bit longer to live in ignorance..

The three of cups that he mourns over could indeed be a pregnancy, this 3rd party situation that I have talked to death. It could have all come to a head, as he experiences a hint of nostalgia today – thinking about the past, how things have been, and how they could have been.. There is a lot changing for him pretty fast, and he may feel almost swept off his feet, as if he has not quite had the chance to process what is happening to him.. Change at this time is quite frightening to him, and he may not know which avenue to choose, even though he has reached this pivotal point where expansion is the only probable outcome.

He actually may be getting triggered by the romantic aroma of valentines day today and may be feeling a little lonely, not as a direct result of it, but because of the feeling in the air of unity, and family, and flattery.. He could be thinking back to a time where he was younger, had women swooning over him, and how he took people, or things for granted. More than anything he is mourning his youth, and the natural passing of time..

The death card symbolises the masculine projecting to the feminine that he is undergoing immense change, and transition at this time. Perhaps he communicates this to her verbally, or even physically – there may be a noticeable change in his demeanor, in the things he says, in the ways that he behaves. Perhaps she has dreams of him where he appears more mature, or forward thinking. The death figure in this instance is very much like the knight of cups, instead, instead of delivering a message of love, he delivers a message of change. His change is undoubtedly sparking some change within the feminine also, and directly impacts her life’s journey, and experiences. As they are very much one, whilst he changes, things also fall away, and fall apart for her..

The world card shows the feminine beckoning the masculine to expand, and explore himself even further. Death is not enough – it is Resurrection that he seeks afterward that will define him. So the world card asks, how will you reinvent, and re-create yourself after this change? How will you become one with yourself, and your surroundings? How will you recognise that there is a pattern in life, and seek to break it?
This is the feminine going around with a metaphorical magic wand and commanding change, and beauty in not only her life, but the life of others. He sees her as this almost untouchable version of who she used to be, looking back at him, and holding the space for him to also enter this womb of change. She is asking for him to reborn – you see how the world card is in the shape of a circle with the woman inside – this is symbolic of birth – in the womb, where we all start off as a woman. A new cycle is revealed to him via the feminine, and he is asked to undergo this shamanic birthing, and death, by letting go.

The two of pentacles sees the feminine juggling all of the gifts that are being presented to her at this time.. This is a very abundant time for the feminine, with opportunities, and experiences multiplying for her because she has done so much of the work that she needed to do. A lot of energy has been cleared for her, and she may find a lot of financial success and drive at this time. There may be multiple projects that she is inspired to work on. She definitely does keep the masculine in her thoughts, but there is a sense that this twin flame mission is of even greater purpose than just reuniting with her masculine.. She begins to realise that even if they are not in constant communication, they are affecting one another’s lives, and blessing each other with universal portals. The feminine may experience moments of doubt, but then experience random moments of fresh bursts of energy as she tries to balance and maintain her life as she slips between 3D and 5d so regularly.. The reason she must integrate these two states, is because even though 5D is where she does most of her spiritual work, and healing work, it is 3D that so desperately needs her healing, and the work that she draws fourth from other realms..

The world card is definitely her taking things in her stride.. It is not as difficult as it once was, and even the difficult times are being seen as portal openers, also..

Happy healing, my sacred beings ~

Channeled message from the divine masculine – 12th February 2017.

Channeled message from the divine masculine – 12th February 2017.

It is only in my darkest, & most humble moments that I seek to reach out to you.

Not because that is the only time I think of you. But because that is the only time that I am still enough to truly think of you. You exist in the silence & in the darkness. When I pull myself away from everyone & everything & find a moment to explore my own truth.

Who I have been.

How far on this journey that I have travelled only to realise that I have gone nowhere at all.

In my desires not to become like my father, I have found myself in his image.

Being just as deceitful to you as I have watched him be to me.

I will bide my time before making any bid to you too big to compromise.

I wonder if you will digest my words, as I myself am unsure how long I will feel this way.

It is difficult at times to feel in the heart yet be contradicted by the mind, & I haven’t told you much but rejection is the thing that I fear the most.

I have been on unstable ground since I can remember. So when I tell you that I feel for you & then I pull my love away.. I am always, almost, just as confused as you.

– Divine masculine.

General Weekly Reading – 6th-12th February 2017; The Taming of the shrew- The healthy ego vs the unhealthy ego. 

Main theme – (Strength), Empress, 6 of wands, 9 of pentacles, 2 of swords.

Numerological break down calculation – 6 – Family, home, maternal feelings, love, the lovers, compassion, healing, community, empathy – 12 (1+2) = 3, Manifestation, communication, creativity, community, family, integration. 6 + 3 = 9 – Completion, healing of past wounds, wounded healer, humanitarianism, resolution.

The taming of the shrew; Shrew definition – a small mouse-like insectivorous mammal with a long pointed snout and tiny eyes. (Meekness or timidity metaphor).

2.a bad-tempered or aggressively assertive woman.

It is no coincidence that the strength card chose to make an appearance at this time considering that the main feature of this week is the powerful full moon in Leo!

The energy of Leo takes us into the energy of boldness, physical appearance, & the presence that we hold in relation to taking up space.

Thus, Leo inspires us to take a closer look at our ego. Check out my full moon in Leo article for more details.

The ego can be your bestfriend, or your worst enemy, dependent upon how aware, and conscious you can become of it. Too much – and You turn into the hungry narcissist, always searching for validation, & raging or misbehaving when you do not get it. This weekly reading in particular suggests a rather strong message from the feminine, as the strength card depicts a powerful woman who has learned to conquer her inner beast, & the empress card which Expresses all the feminine could be once her ego is balanced.

The empress is the energy that we invest in ourselves, in order to create surroundings that are supportive of our individual energetic expression. No more are the days that we seek to look outward for others to validate us, or to provide us with the essentials to create our own destinies.

Birth, and creation are signified here in a major way in combination with the expressive energies that the full moon in Leo asks that we tap into. The empress can be symbolised by the sprouting of beautiful, bountiful flowers, that have seen the test of time, or reached their peek. 

If there is anything in particular that we have been sitting on, fearful to do, or uncertain of, this may be the week that we conclude that we are ready, either to take that next step forward, or to put out a creative project that has fully developed. Perhaps an energy is born within us this week, that sustains us, and allows us to watch over the growth of something new, becoming more responsible, and conscious in order to be able to nurture it, and ourselves.

The 9 of pentacles speaks of a time where things reach fruition. This full moon presents a powerful time for manifestation, & accumulation, despite new moons typically being the phase for manifestation. The number 3 could be abundant in our sightings this week, with Valentine’s Day around the corner inspiring us to fall in love with life again.. Spring is around the corner, and it is nearing time for us to present to the world what our darkness has taught us. There is much to share, and to offer, and it is reinforced with the 6 of wands that if we place in our best efforts, we will reap luxuries, and rewards.

This could be a time to plant seeds – seeds of thought in order to build new habits. The 6 of wands represents the individual who returns from battle, after a lengthy fight against external, and internal forces. 

There could perhaps be a job promotion this week, the promise of a new endeavour, or a chance to maximise our financial security. The strength card asks that we do not let our ego get the best of us. Perhaps we are asked to humble ourselves towards our own struggles, & the struggles of others. We may be growing more compassionate, & understanding, as we learn just how much conflict is apart of the greater picture in life.

The two of swords sees us on the brink of monumental change. Perhaps we are asked to choose a direction, and or a destination. This may be the difference between choosing a new path, or remaining stagnant. It is easy at times of great change to grow fearful when we do not know what quite to expect, but the empress suggests timing is an important factor in manifestation. You have to experience all of the seasons, to truly know the abundance of the entire cycle.

A pivotal point is reached in which we must choose a destination, & choose to surrender a part of ourselves. Free will is still always, a very big factor.

The feminine energy could have a huge week of transition at this time. Being made more aware of her current or past placements in relationships. The empress could encourage us all to build a home within ourselves before seeking accommodation elsewhere. It is imperative to know who you are at this point – especially if you have spent a life time being confused, or fearful of persecution consciousness.

Realise that royalty is at your feet, years of patriarchal conditioning and bashing have just attempted to narrow your path. Even masculine energies have much to learn about the feminine this week! Perhaps a mother figure, a mother that they have made of a woman, (if they are male), highlights to them the true vision of the woman.

The 6 of wands is definitely a journey about being in search of heroism – wherever that may take us. A consciousness arises to do things with more tact, & to find better, healthier coping mechanisms.

© Cindy Anneh-bu 2017.

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Full MOON in Leo – 10th/ 11th February Eclipse// Awakening the sleeping giant -There is a vast difference between the ego & the shadow.

Full MOON in Leo – Eclipse// Awakening the sleeping giant –

Numerological Break down calculation – 10/11 – The numbers 10 & 11 are far more similar than many believe. Both representing the ultimate balance that exists – between light & dark/ yin & yang, birth & death. These numbers ask us to enter a gateway that is unconcerned with destructive, or intense polarity, as we search for the perfect middle between our extremes. 

There is a vast difference between the ego & the shadow.

However, when we have been hurt severely, or detrimentally in the past, we tend to join our ego W/ our shadow, so the part of us that wishes to protect itself & wishes to be seen tends to do so in sneaky, draining, passive aggressive, or vampiric means.

Leo the lion is a fire sign, & where ever fire presents itself, chaos, & action is sure to transform the ordinary. The Leo moon arrives to awaken & spark the inner child in us – the anti thesis of the shadow.

Bold & commanding, the Leo energy learns to appreciate itself & its gifts.

What stops you from attaining everything you desire in this life? It is the aspects of the shadow & the inner child that remain in darkness.

The secret to the Leo’s intoxication is the fact that they do not hide from others or themselves. What was once in the darkness becomes known, & asks you to share it w/ the world as a super power. Who will know that you are vulnerable once your vulnerability is your armour?
The sign of Leo deals with expression, how have you been starving yourself of expression, & how can you minimise the shadows in your soul by turning your wounds into poetry & art?

The colour orange which is associated w/ the luminance of Leo redirects us to the sacral chakra. What is your energy saying or representing? Are you low on energy, self belief, power or structure because you place your power outside of yourself believing that you have none?

It is time to stop playing small. Let the world hear your raw. Claim the space that you were made to claim.

– Happy healing, my sacred beings ~

Twin Flame *DAILY* reading *FULL MOON IN LEO//ECLIPSE SPECIAL* 10TH-11TH February.

Main theme//Unified energy – The chariot, Masculine – The fool, Feminine – 2 of swords, The energy the masculine projects to the feminine – Knight of cups, The energy the feminine projects to the masculine – high priestess. 

So my loves, I am so excited for this taro spread this evening because it absolutely oozes of forward movement, and strategy.. The chariot sees us take a leap into the future, it appears that a lot of the barriers, and constraints that were weighing us down before have been abolished now.. This may be in the form of self defeating thoughts, and habits, or even areas of our lives associated with poverty consciousness, and lack.. The chariot sees a lot of us taking movement, and initiative to make things happen. if there is a goal that we have, then likely at this time, we are letting nothing stand in our way.. With the innovative, and inspiring energy of Leo, we are all systems go.. There is a lot of movement into future progression, so perhaps we have actually made a physical effort to get closer to that which we seek.. There is also the sense that time is on our side, because we are a lot more balanced now..
This could also represent the feminine learning to control his inner beasts, and his direction in life. He may be becoming a lot more clearer about what it is that he wants from his life, and how to get it now.. The fool suggests that a lot of the fog has cleared. There is a youthful energy about him as he steps into this latest version of his life.. Those of you who have purchased, and read my weekly twin flame reading (Available for $3.33 via paypal email – will know that this is quite a time of confession for the masculine, and perhaps he experiences this new lightness of spirit and joy because he is no longer holding onto things of the past, or any secrets or skeletons that he held in his closet.. He may be clearing his conscience at this time, and remembering a time in his life when he did not have so much burden, or responsibilities.. Also as the weekly mentioned, he could be walking away from karmic attachments – in the form of a soul mate lover, or past habits..
The knight of cups sees him projecting an offer of love or a proposal to the feminine.. Perhaps he asks at this time that she embarks on this new journey with him.. He could be pouring his heart out to her, feeling both opened and determined to express something to her.. There is the notion that nothing stands in his way now, so perhaps he truly has got rid of a lot of baggage from his life.. The 2 of swords suggests that this is a time of contemplation for the feminine, and many will be wondering whether they should take the masculine up on his offer, or pursue in a new direction based upon past disappointments, and instability.. The moon also enhances the feminines drive, and desire for forward movement.. Some of the feminine may be feeling as if they have outgrown their masculine, or as if it is just too little too late.. The weekly twinflame reading also goes into this.. The high priestess reveals a spiritual tone that she projects back to him.. She may be thinking, ‘I know that you are coming’. He may be thinking, ‘ I know that you know that I am coming’.. The spiritual elements of the moon reveal much that is hidden in their subconscious, especially the unconscious of the masculine. He may be having many realisations, and AHA moments at this time. He looks to the feminine as somebody who holds the secrets, he knows that she knows a lot about esotericism, and at this time he too wishes to understand this intense connection.. He moves steadily towards her, but she is somewhat unmoved.. Perhaps this is because she has grown so balanced in herself, and her own emotions.. She is not so quick to act on impulse. She ponders, what could this truly mean…

Happy healing, my sacred beings ~