Stepping out into the real world.

It is a funny thing – to have been alive for so long, yet not truly living. 

I think of my previous relationship – how scary & suffocating it is that I almost lost myself in something that was so toxic & scary & detrimental for me. And the nightmares that I often have about still being back in that place.

It’s pretty painful & awkward; because sometimes when you are in a toxic relationship – whether energetically, emotionally, physically, or psychologically, you find yourself alone – without anybody to hold your hand, or help you to see the true detriment of your ways.

I find that when you are an ‘adult’ as such in a toxic relationship, especially if this relationship is non physically abusive, for the most part, everybody will just leave you to it.. And I do not know if I particularly blame them either.

Your friends & family will stick in a few words about how you may be acting differently, may have changed & how you probably are too good for this person, (whatever that means), but they will never understand the psychological implications behind it, the trauma bonding, the fact that it is not so much your conscious awareness that chooses to see you placed in this position, but rather your subconscious manifestations & projections of displacement..

Even when you break free from this type of entanglement – even when you try to soar & your feet literally lift up from the ground, you will still be clutched, & the tips of your toes will be tugged back downwards toward the ground, by the seemingly unbearable weight of sorrow, regret, loneliness, and guilt.

I call it – relationship based PTSD. Nobody ever fully knows how deeply you wound yourself into this relationship. Because they do not recognise how far your inner child’s PTSD stretches, or how far co-dependency wove itself to be an intrinsic part of your psyche.

So, you float on – you try to live your life again. Friends congratulate you about how much happier you are seeming these days, how much brighter your smile is, & whilst it is all true, it does not take away from the fact that you are still, several months later, shaken by the entire encounter – and still just trying to find your self. Claw yourself – from the rubble of the parts of you that are left, un/given to the dependent dynamics of the former relationship.

Who are you now? You find yourself asking. You are no longer the girl who relies on somebody else for everything, even company; so honestly, who are you now?

The beauty of this question is; this is your answer to decide. You are literally in the process of creation & can become anything that you would like to become. The you that would make your childhood you most proud.

You just have to plunge yourself into the darkness from time to time – to fully make sense of why this situation had to happen to you, because trust me, there IS a reason.

And you will find your flow at the moment, though you may be much the headless chicken now — you will find your know how, after slipping up & tripping & getting it wrong oh maybe a few hundred times!

Just take your time. Nobody has to understand it, but you.

Nobody else endured it, but you.
Seek Cindy 2016 ©
To book an appointment with me to discuss the type of toxic entrapment mentioned here, or the recovery associated with it, please send an email to with the tag line – ‘help’.

Friction and opposition; The necessary stages of healing. 

It appears almost as if a cruel twist of fate.. The moment that you find yourself in a state of spiritual, emotional, mental, and psychological elevation & inspiration, is the moment that you will rub up against those who seem to be at the mouth gate of the complete opposite.

Resistance, friction – an opportunity to test, are you truly ready to move to the next level? Are you really ready to fight for yourself? To love yourself more? And to excel in ways you previously never have before?

Okay, then I will send you this test, this test that once used to rock you & shake you at the knees… And now you will see, how you handle this.. How well you fare against the kind of strife that once paralysed you.
The entities that exist as low vibration cess pits in others will recognise when your own vibration is uplifting, they will recognise the resistance that you pose to whom you once were & out of bitterness & spite, they will do everything within their power to attempt to bring you back to a place where you recognise them…

Demonic entities (low vibrational beings) absolutely HATE to be ignored, it remains them that they are unloved, not of the light & not apart of God’s graces, & they confuse the vessel that they possess that it is rather they who are unlovable.

Do not be so shaken dear one. Know that this too is apart of the process… This too is healing, challenging & changing you at the most molecular, biochemical level.

You know that you are healing, when your arguments now turn into psychological expressions of communication, and resolution.

I have absolute zero interest these days in engaging in heated disputes with anybody.. My inner child is currently dancing happily, and she seriously has no intention of being unnecessarily wounded. My shadow self is also currently doing cute things, like parenting my inner child & enduring a process of self analysation & introspection, so anybody after anything else, needs to fall all the way back, have several seats & go get a coffee with kermit & them…

As a highly sensitive person, I find that engaging in any type of back & fourth is incredibly draining & this is why so many empaths seem to avoid confrontation…

The energetic back lash after is NOT worth it..

I find the inner parent in myself now reaching out to others who try to cause conflict & trying to parent them.

I mean, there is clearly an inner child present who does not know how to appropriately & articulately express itself…

And I am tempted to ask?

‘What is it at this time that you require?’

‘What causes you such dissatisfaction that you feel the need to misconstrue my words & energy in such a manor?’

The energy of resolution, is entirely separate from the energy of conflict.

Nobody is out to get you amor, I promise you that much. Well, unless indeed you do perceive things to be this way.

And it is the enemy within, the one who has a chronic dissatisfaction with self, that perceives itself to be a target, that determines that everybody is somehow out to harm it..

Gradually, as we heal, the sometimes timid, often defeatist voice within our head that lacks reason, will cease to think that all others have an agenda, particularly energetically vampiric souls.

There is not much that you can do outside of yourself, you cannot control others, you cannot control who they are, what they do, nor their emotional reactions & responses toward you – all that you can do is attune yourself, so that you experience internal harmony.

Realise that the actions of others are a reflection of their own perception & THEIR reality, similarly, your experiences, actions, and conclusions are relative to your own perceptions and narratives.

You can CHOOSE to buy into an experience if it resonates w/ you.

If it does not? Then you can choose to drop it from your auric field. As simple as you nearly picked it up.

Each day, make a conscious decision of that which you wish to indulge in.

However, in the end, regardless of all of our dealings, of those who cause us friction, of those who rub up against the unhealed parts within us, it is important with our labelling of others, not to write them off, or paint them as the perpetual bad guys – for this creates more separation and bitterness.

Our time & experience upon this earth is limited. Why are we so disregardful & disrespectful towards others? Do we know when will be the last time that we will be given the opportunity to see them? Surely, we do not wish for our last ever words to them to have been filled with malice.

To lose somebody unexpectedly places a shift upon the ways in which you view death, loss & life.

At any moment, one can become lost to the infinite cycle that is.

This is why human life is so precious! Why we should try to rise above our own petty differences & see the beauty of humanity for what it is.. All humans are sacred. Yes even those whom we dub ‘energetic vampires’, toxic, or emotionally & energetically draining…

Even they too are sacred.

I am not under any circumstance suggesting that one should put up with their bullshit, but rather, even in establishing & strengthening boundaries, we should try to speak to the inner child in them, the wounded one that is.

Harbouring any type of hate, resentment, or ill feeling towards others burns away deeply at us, more than it affects any other..

Go to sleep every night with forgiveness on your mind, understanding that we are all human, we are all learning, we are all growing, and we all make mistakes on this path…

Hate nobody. Express grief over their actions, but please do not ever carry hate in your heart for them… Especially those who abuse you, as this prolongs the process of abuse.

Cindy Anneh-bu

© Seek Cindy 2016.

Karmic attachments; Signs, symbols, and purpose.



What is a karmic attachment one might ask, and how does one become so attached to their karma? 

Well, you probably see me discuss karmic attachments quite a lot. In-fact, if you are an avid reader of my work, you probably see me discuss quite a few different types of romantic, and spiritual relationships, including twin flames, and soul mates, and you may just find yourself wondering, what is a karmic attachment, and how does it relate to me, or anyone for that matter?

A karmic attachment is called a karmic attachment because it is rooted in karma, and the karmic transactions that you have yet to work through. Now, in order for you to understand a karmic attachment, you will first need to understand karma, true karma, and perhaps not the type of karma that you have been led to believe.

Traditionally, people have come up with the idea that karma is this sort of universal force, that either follows you throughout your lives, or impacts you somewhere in the near future, dependent on whether you have lived a virtuous life, or a life of crime, and ill intention.

Well, I guess this is kinda true. Karma does actually follow you throughout your many lives, and it does impact you somewhere in the near future, but also, and perhaps most importantly, karma is something that is always with you, and always affecting you, unless you become aware of it. So, how does karma follow you within your past lives, and how is this karmic debt stored?

Well, because we experience childhood first and foremost when we incarnate onto this earthly/physical plane, it is within our childhood that all of our karmic templates from the previous life, are then again re-gifted to us, (this is if we have not yet learnt to break the karmic pattern, and rise up above soul recycling in this way), and we are destined to relive these patterns over, once more. These patterns, are actually passed down onto us from our parents, and in this viewpoint, it is no coincidence who your parents are, and likely, they have some karmic history that is directly related to your own life’s purpose, and your own earthly mission – this is why you are apart of the same soul group.

Your karmic destiny, may be to transmute pain, or to learn to balance your masculine side, with your feminine side. If this is the case, then you will probably incarnate into an energetic form that is very hyper feminine, and for the purpose of your task to really hit home, you will likely have the masculine removed from the equation, so perhaps, a distant father, emotionally, or physically, or rather, no father at all.

Now, what a karmic attachment would do, is come along and trigger, and play on this wound of distance, and absence of a father figure (masculine energy). Karmic attachments are much like cycles of life. They will continuously re-appear to us, and make themselves known, all in different forms, with the same soul (sole) purpose, until we come to awaken to the reality of the message that is being dictated to us.

If you identify as an empath, or an old soul healer, then it is likely you will experience a life filled with many karmic attachments. This is not necessarily because your life is difficult than the lives of others, (although, let’s be honest, it kinda is-), but because you have the added duty of clearing your entire genetic karmic line. So, for instance, if you incarnate as a woman, and you have a long line of karmic debt associated with abandonment, and mistreatment, you, the empath, will draw fourth karmic attachments who are likely to always abandon you, or mistreat you, because you are to recognise the pattern, challenge it, and clear it for good – thus, not passing it on to the generation underneath you, and further keeping it trapped within the family blood line.

Signs of a karmic attachment.

  • You keep playing out the same relationship dynamic in all of your romantic relationships. Although with different partners, all of your partners seem to posses very similar traits, abilities, and characteristics.
  • The partners that you attract resemble one in another, in some form. They may not outwardly look exactly the same, but they will have similar body types, hair types, or more commonly, have eyes that hold the same deep, soul-ful glare.
  • You will be triggered very early on in your romantic relationships. And you may not always understand why. This triggering is alerting you of the karma that is at play here, and what demands transmutation.
  • You may have the feeling of being cursed, trapped, unlucky in love, or unable to find happiness in a romantic sense.
  • One or both of your parents may have been a victim of some type of childhood abuse, or neglect, or even their parents/parents, this is how the karma is downloaded unto you.
  • You notice that the partners that you attract are also always in some type of emotional, or psychological turmoil. It is not only you who seeks to transmute karma. But they too have their own karma, and energetic debt, that they are seeking to understand through you.
  • You experience high highs, and low lows throughout the course of the relationships with these individuals. The divine knows you like no other. The divine knows how to get your attention, and these souls are specifically sent to you to do just that. You will constantly be triggered, but you will almost become addicted to the journey, either way.
  • The souls that you find yourselves playing out these themes with, may not necessarily even be your physical type, or those who you immediately feel a sense of strong attachment to. Remember, this is the soul’s journey, so upon looking with your two eyes, these karmic attachments may appear bland, nothing too special, or even at times unattractive to you. It is only when you look with your third eye, that you will recognise them, and seek to build some type of soul connection, or relationship with them.
  • Upon meeting this person, you experience a sense of recognition, and familiarity. You may look into their eyes, and feel as if you have had a home there before. The truth is, yes this person is very familiar to you, but for their soul, and energetic imprint, and if you do not accept the lesson this time, then it is destined to repeat itself through other seemingly familiar, and recognisable souls.
  • You are likely to meet this individual in a strange, or synchronous way. This is the universe’s way of placing you at the right place, at the right time. Pay attention to the thoughts that you were having just before meeting this person. Were you telling yourself that you were unworthy? That you were not good enough? And that you would never find love? There you have it…Manifested, before your very eyes.
  • A feeling of fate, or destiny coming to pass. Yes, this relationship feels very destined, and fated, because – it truly is. But it is not destined in the sense that you are to end up with this person. It is destined in a sense that, you ARE to learn this lesson, you ARE to transmute this pain, and you ARE to grow both wiser, and stronger, through these experience, and all others alike.


If you would like help in determining your own spiritual love connection, then email me today via in order to set up a reading booking.

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Childhood – Emotional/psychological abuse, and the effects that it leaves.



Alot of people find emotional abuse, and psychological abuse, difficult to digest, or hard to diagnose. This is because, unlike physical abuse, there is no outward manifestation, or symptoms that can be directly traced back to a cause.

Because of this, sadly, so many children go from school to home, from home, to school, keeping within them the burdensome secret, of the double life, and the trauma that they must regularly endure.

This type  of abuse is so subtle, and insidious, that it is possible that even the child in question, does not realise that they are being abused, or harmed. They may simply perceive that they have a strict, parent, or parents, and therefore internalise the abuse to be a result of something that they are doing, and that they have done.

The internalisation of this blame is incredibly dangerous, because it can off-set a cycle of the child learning to blame themselves for abuse, (that is usually perpetuated later in life), and also to constantly try to modify their behaviours, and their impulses in order not to receive any further abuse.

‘One study has suggested that victims of childhood physical abuse have a 40% chance of being diagnosed with major depressive disorder at some stage in their life and a 30% chance of being diagnosed with a disruptive behaviour disorder’.

Have you ever graced the presence of somebody who almost shrinks into themselves. Who holds a posture, a position, and a meek voice, that screams of self consciousness, and hyper vigilance. Well, this was me. And this is also the individual who is very careful, about their movements, and about their words, because they have been taught that to put a wrong foot out of place, or to cause yourself to become ‘too noticed’, ‘too enlarged’, offers them the risk of being re-abused.

This individual may go through their entire life feeling as if they have to walk in the shadows, or manipulate their behaviours in order to appear as less of a threat.

In my observation, i have witnessed there to be two separate manifestations of somebody who suffers from emotional/psychological abuse, or some type of abandonment/neglect/rejection, earlier on in childhood.

Despite what new-ageism, and alternative lifestyles preach, every child does need to be grow, and be nurtured under the guidance of a strong, secure, consistent, and stable/balanced house hold. It is very important for children to have access to a blend of both masculine, and feminine energies, as the feminine energy, (typically, but not always the mother), enriches them with love, comfort, and forgiveness, whilst the masculine energy, (typically, but not always the father), instils order, protection, safety, and strength within them.

This does not have to exist as a part of a nuclear family dynamic, with one, mother and one father, if this type of set up is inaccessible, for a variety of reasons. This could be alternated, with the presence of extended family members, or even care givers, standing in to fulfil these roles.

In Africa, there is a congregation of an extended family, wherein aunties, uncles, parents, and grandparents are likely to share one compound, and raise children as a community, within a tight, supported, and watchful network.

This by far, has to be one of my favourite methods of up-bringing. Although this can not be so easily maintained as a part of western living, ideally, it is a beautiful practice, regardless. It also goes to show that the development of each individual is not only reflective of their community, but also reflective of their level of involvement within the individual’s life.

Can we blame ‘bad’ people, for being ‘bad’ people?



There is an association between childhood abuse and the risk of suicidal behaviour. One study found that a history of physical abuse increases the odds of attempting suicide by almost 5 times, while a history of emotional abuse may increase the odds of a suicide attempt by more than 12 times

And if so, must we not condemn their entire community, and the parents whom raised them?

I believe in redemption, to a certain extent. After all, many of the most viscous, unpleasant, and sociopathic people that i have met throughout the course of my life, have all appeared to have suffered some sort of core wounding in childhood. A wound that only seemed to grow overtime, and manifest as their shadow self, blocking them from their own light.

It is the subconscious, and the unconscious that rules their actions, their lack of empathy, that also remains buried below the consciousness. Empathy opens the door way for emotional openness, and vulnerability. It is likely that many of these people have had to intensely suppress, and deny their empathy, in order to cope with their level of trauma, or abuse more effectively.

Let’s say, for instance, there is a young man who is regularly physically, and verbally abused by his father over a recurring period of time. Even if this young man is initially highly sensitive, and possesses an innocent, and a naive approach to life, sooner or later, in order to protect himself, his subconscious mind will ask him to numb himself. Numb himself to the insults that he receives, and numb himself from the expectancy of consistent love, empathy, or remorse from his father.

Thus, he begins to operate in a fashion that is void of emotional expression. This is a survival technique. This would only be further emphasised, if the young man’s father also insisted that the boy expressing any grief over his treatment, may be acting in a way that is out of accordance with what it means to be a man – therefore, what it means to be acceptable.

Similarly, a young woman who is subject to an emotionally distant, cold, or unavailable father, may find herself feeling isolated, and ‘faulty’, from this lack of male approval, and attention, and may therefore grow to become overly dependent, and reliant upon male attention, an attempt by her subconscious mind to make peace with her earlier experiences. As a result of this, she is likely to find herself in a string of failed relationships, laced with co-dependency, and men who sense her desperation, and happily exploit its position.

Symptoms of somebody who has been affected by childhood abuse in adulthood.

  • Extremely withdrawn, appearing overly shy, introverted, or distracted, engaging in careless day dream.
  • An inability to concentrate for long periods of time, poor memory and directive skills, (this is because parts of the brain literally shrink, failed to develop coherently, and experience severe confusion).
  • ADHD – or a similar manifest behavioural affliction that causes one to outwardly seek attention, and recognition – even if this is negative attention.
  • Overly aggressive – failing to access rationalisation, or impulse control.
  • Difficulty with closeness, intimacy, perhaps pertaining to sexual intimacy, (erotophobia) or a string of promiscuous/unfaithful relations.
  • Compulsive lying, multi personality disorder, a desire for one to seem more flamboyant, and achieved than they truly are, (in order to compensate for intense feelings of inferiority).
  • Hypersensitivity to criticism (either because of a lack of belief in self already existing, or manifesting from a place of requiring consistent praise, to appease the false ego),
  • An inability to allow others enough access into ones internal world, reluctance to open up to others emotionally, desire to separate from emotionally demanding situations, lack of commitment to anything that requires lengthy work.



I highly recommend that anybody who recognises these traits within themselves, or identifies with my article in some way, seek some sort of professional advice, and help as soon as possible. If you are unsure about what methods are available to you, then i would be happy to assist you with that.

To discuss any empath topics with me during a one on one reading, email me via to enquire about my prices and services.


Reading list.

General life style advice, including love/empath advice – $65/£50

  © Seek Cindy 2016

All works published on this site are under strict ownership of the owner, and any re-distribution is strictly prohibited without permission, and necessary credits.
Twitter – @spiritualpoet_

Instagram – @spiritualpoetess_



False twin flames, Karmic attachment, a spiritual and psychological fusion.


Xetobyte Norvz Austria, photo credit.

A ‘false twin flame’ is a specific type of karmic attachment that leaves a pretty lasting impression, and a lasting impact, that is, until the actual twin flame makes themselves apparent. And sometimes, even then, the dent left by the false twin may be so prevalent, that it too affects the twin flame union, and the ways in which the twin in question perceives love, and perceives members of the opposite sex, (opposing energy).

Just like not everybody has a twin flame, not everybody has a false twin. The two sort of go hand in hand, and you cannot have one without the other.

Another name, possibly a more suited one for this type of karmic attachment, is a ‘near twin’, or as some people like to call them, ‘a twin flame prep’.

The energies of this false twin will mirror the arrival of your actual twin so much, that until you awaken to the harsh realities of their truth, you will truly be convinced that this person is your actual twin, somebody fated to you, and somebody with whom you will share the remainder of your life.

When my own false twin materialised in my life, we had so many things in common. We were both ‘artists’, i wrote poetry, he wrote songs. I was a lone wolf. He apparently too was a lone wolf. I believe in the paranormal. He believed in the paranormal. He would even say things that i pictured a partner would say to me, should an angel send them to me.

Enabling one to believe that this union, and their arrival is pre determined, and some how, ‘magical’, is also a common, and tactile trait of the false twin. On some level, it is as if they are aware that the true twin holds a magical, intense realm within them. A realm that wants to believe in true love, and divine attraction, and endless wondrous possibilities.

And that much is true. No matter how jaded, sullen, or ‘meek’, the true twin may be when they come across their false twin, they will still always possess this unspoken, underling light, that the false twin too sees, and will continue to exploit, and ‘attach to’, for the betterment of their own personal energies.

It is very important to remember that no matter how flamboyant, successful, skilled, lavish, or coveted the false twin makes themselves appear to be, they are seriously suffering from a case of a lack of light, trapped in the shadows, a powerless victim of their own karma, and this is why they just cannot WAIT to attach to the actual twin.

This type of ‘relationship’ truly mirrors an abusive relationship, (mentally, energetically, emotionally, psychologically, and even sometimes physically), so for the purposes of this reason alone, i will take a psychological look, including actual psychological theories, on how this union typically manifests, and what keeps the scales so deeply imbalanced.



Abuse begins in childhood, and often, well into adulthood – Cindy Anneh-bu

Attachment theory in psychology is the theory that we all hold specific attachment models, defined by our earliest care givers, our responses to them, their level of affection, care towards us, and our ability to navigate in the world dependent upon their teachings.

Originally, this theory was adopted as a way of understanding the way that children respond to their care givers, and vice versa, but it was later extended to encompass the way in which we perceive, and respond to the world in adulthood relationships, romantic, and platonic alike.

The theory stands that, dependent on the treatment, and the experiences of an individual during childhood, they are set upon a path to either engage in healthy, and strengthened societal bonds, whilst keeping a positive outlook on themselves, or, they will alternatively, plummet into a world of self doubt, self defeat, irregularity of consistent relationships, and a bruised, (skewed) perception of themselves.

In all false twin flame transactions, it is vital to remember that the only reason that both souls come across one another, and find themselves in the same time space, is because their experiences, and their energetic imprints mirror one another, on a very major, and core level.

It is very easy for us to place all of the blame, and all of the responsibility upon our false twin, and how ‘evil’, ‘twisted’, or ‘dark’ they are, but this is once more feeding into the notion of polarity, and separation consciousness.

The truth is, the reason that the false twin was able to sense the calls of the actual twin, and vibrate towards them, is because they both hold a core wounding from childhood, this just HAPPENED to manifest in separate ways.

Whilst the true twin suffers from, ‘anxious/pre-occupied attachment style’, the false twin flame likely suffers from, ‘dismissive avoidant attachment style’.

The common theme for both of these models, is a parent, or parent(s), who rejected the emotional needs of the child in infancy, and were somehow emotionally unresponsive, or unavailable. Whilst, these patterns taught the false twin to become solely dependent, and reliant upon themselves, and suppress the need for emotional closeness, these same patterns caused the true twin to become overly dependent upon achieving this closeness, and receiving love, and gratification from others.



Both wounded. In this way, they represent two sides of the same coin, two sides of a mirror, and there is no true separation between the false twin, and the true twin victim, the classic model of the, ’empath, and the narcissist’.

This is the reason that this relationship is absolutely clouded in karma, and karmic transaction.

Now, karma is somewhat of a complicated theory to explain. How does it attach itself to us? How does it continuously manifest? And how is it that it may be carried on from life time to life time, imprinting itself on the soul continuously?

Well, karma is not so much the conscious actions committed by an individual, so much as it is the unconscious actions committed by the individual. It is because of this unconsciousness, that the individual continuously draws the same level of karma, and karmic experiences toward themselves.

Long before my twin flame encounter, and even further before my false twin flame, i would find myself rigged with questions such as,’Why is this always happening to me?’, ‘What did i do to deserve this?’, and ‘am i cursed?’.

Karma begins working on our souls, and our soul groups, long before we ever put a foot wrong in the physical realm. In African theology, the ancestors, or deceased family members long passed, may be reborn as the children of those born after them. There is this belief in an endless cycle, remaining within the same soul group in essence, and continuing to be born, (renewed), into the family gene pool, possibly in hopes of getting things ‘right’, this time, or learning.

This means that a parent who abused their child and treated them badly, may be born to the child, of that child, or the child of that child, and have to endure the traumatic effects of a broken child, actually broken in a chain of their own doings, in a previous life. This is essentially the model of how karma works.

The misdeeds of that soul, come back to reveal themselves to them, and allow them to understand the harmful, and debilitating effects of their actions, in a former existence.

Karmic imprints are picked up first in childhood, they are downloaded unto the child from the behaviour models, and actions of the parent, and this is why you will find that so many empaths come from families with histories of trauma, it is their duty upon incarnating to attempt to clear this karma, and to use their invaded energetic walls for the good of helping, and understanding others.



When it comes to twin flames, they hold a specific duty, not only of transmuting the energies of their own karma, but clearing their family line. In clearing their own energies, and acknowledging their karmic woundings, and healing them, they indirectly break the chain of karma, ‘curse of events’, by refusing to pass these traits, and karmic models onto their own children.

The twin flames will be heavily burdened as it seems, with the karmic imprints of their entire generational line, including much of the templates associated with their respective genders, (e.g masculine, or feminine).


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The karmic energy that the false twin accumulates is of a darker nature, of the shadow side, but this only reflects the shadow side that already exists within the true twin flame victim. It is very easy to think that the true twin flame victim is a perfectly innocent, and an impartial participant, but in actuality, one will find that many of the traits associated with the false twin flame, including narcissism are also apparent within the twin flame victim.

The overall point of this encounter with their false twin flame, is to dig up alot of their unresolved wounded templates, (karma), and damaging behavioural patterns. These pretty much bubble to the surface, so that when the true twin comes along, these energies are almost ready to pour out, almost ready to be released, culminating in a final healing.

Alot of the time, when the true twin flame finally does arrive, the twin flame involved in the false twin scenario, would have suffered so much emotional abuse at the hands of their false twin, that they are almost numb, or rather, emotionally advanced toward their own suffering. Although unknown to them at the time, this prepares them for the intense separation (death/rebirth) period, that they will inevitably experience upon colliding with their true twin. This is why many refer to this type of karmic attachment as the, ‘twin prep’.

It is the preparation of emotional fluctuation, and intense soul level healing that makes this type of relationship stand apart from the typical karmic, or soul mate relationships.

This type of connection truly does tear you open, in ways that appear unbearable, but every time that we are torn open, we risk unveiling our own light, and allowing it to shine through us.

The false twin flame will indirectly try to get you to love yourself, by loving, or appreciating you so little, that your only chance of survival, is in waking up, wisening up, and realising that you are worth far more than their short comings, and inability to be secure for you.

Patience, resilience, observance, and independence, are all lessons that the true twin flame victim will inevitably learn upon making it out on the other side. There is usually a distance to this type of relationship that means, unless they find something to do that nourishes them, or enables them to cope with the time apart, they will probably find themselves going crazy, and obsessing over their need for attention, and recognition, that momentarily, or hardly ever comes.

Alot of twin flame victims will, and should take this time to delve deeply into spirituality, the philosophical nature of life, or even so much as a triggering, for them to make sense of who they are, who their false twin is, and why this is happening to them.

This is pretty much like an alarm clock situation, an awakening call, and should not be viewed so negatively as such, even though it does tend to cause such traumatic and weighted emotions.

Once healing has begun, it is also important to attempt to sever the karmic ties that keep one bonded in trauma with their false twin. The level of abuse or manipulation will rarely ever cease unless the twin flame victim stands up for themselves, and walks away from the entanglement. This is all a game of ego, and also gratification for the false twin, so they will see no need to cut ties with the twin flame victim. Despite their genuine lack of authentic love, and consideration for them, the twin flame victim happily feeds the ego, and the bruised inner child of the false twin, that just wants to be loved. So, unless the twin flame victim decides it is time for this cruel show to be over, it is very likely that it will cease – to be over.

One should also be cautious of reverting, and seeking out their false twin during the separation phase with their actual twin flame. In their confusion, or desperation, they may believe that they have been mistaken in who their actual twin is, and needing care, and attention again, (anxious preoccupied attachment style), may seek out their false twin to become caught up in the same game of cat and mouse.

Lastly, this type of relationship is all about the mirror – the soul mirror – the shadow mirror. Whilst the true twin flame relationship highlights and mirrors all that exists within our soul, the false twin relationship mirrors all of the darkness that exists within our soul, and does not inspire us for greatness in the same way.

This is much the case of the sun, and the moon, without the light of the sun, the moon would not cast such a shadow. However, it is this same shadow that provides light, within the darkness.

To book a personalised reading, advice/guidance session with me, email me via the email provided below. I offer twin flame readings, in which i calculate the life path numbers of both individuals, to check for divine numbers, and synchronicity, before drawing a 10 tarot question selection. I am also able to provide insight on false twin flame relationships, and advice, and insight about breaking free of them.

Reading list.

  Cindy Anneh-bu

© Seek Cindy 2016